
Monday 8 September 2014

Farm Fresh - Week 1

Last weekend Other Half and I moved back to the city. Finally. We’ve both been craving all that Toronto has to offer for a while now and we’ve really tried to make the most of being back in our own place. Bike rides through the park and along the lakeshore, dinners out with friends, and my own extensive exploring of our new neighbourhood has us feeling pretty good.

One of the first things we decided to do when we got back was to partake in a CSA program. CSA stands for ‘community supported agriculture’ which essentially means you order a box of fresh fruit and/or veggies that are guaranteed to be local (and most farms are also organic) that gets delivered either to your door, or a nearby drop point. Some programs have foods from just one farm, others have foods from a series of neighbouring or nearby farms, it all depends on what you’re looking for. Luckily, there are several to choose from in the Southern Ontario region thanks to our abundant, but threatened, farm lands. The best part is it was all picked within the last 48 hours, translating to ultimate freshness for us! We went with a local box from Plan B Organics and just received our first shipment, colour us excited!

The point of all this is, I’m hoping to experiment a bit on this ol’ blog and share what we received each week along with some plans I have for the food - winner recipes will then also be shared – in an attempt to keep us accountable for the abundance of veggies we’re receiving. So without further ado, here’s what we got!

  • 5 cobs of corn
  • a bunch of kale, spinach, and pac choi
  • a cantaloupe
  • approximately 25 tomatillos
  • 2 zucchinis
  • a bag of mixed salad greens
  • 2 tomatoes
  • a small bunch of radishes

Most of the leafy greens (minus the salad mix) will hopefully go into a cheesy pasta bake along with the zucchinis, the tomatillos and tomatoes will go towards a fresh salsa verde, the corn will be cooked up and spread with our favourite topping – jaljeera spice mix and lemon - and the rest will likely go towards salads etc. throughout the week, except the cantaloupe which will be a welcome addition to our daily smoothies. I’m really looking forward to this food adventure!

Do you have any other ideas for me? Or things you’re excited to cook up in your kitchen this week? Do share!

Until next time!

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