
Wednesday 23 July 2014

Wide Angle: Vol. 13

You know what's busy? Summer. Summer has got to be the busiest time of year, but in the best way possible. It's full of food, drinks, cottages, pool days, patios and just general plans. Throw in the final weeks of wedding planning and ooooooh boy the days fly by.

As you probably guessed by the title of the post, it's time for another wide angle look at life behind the scenes… much of which will involve all these plans. It's been a great summer so far, but also one of the busiest.

1 & 2 - As I wrote about here, leaving our jobs behind in China was very bittersweet.  We had to say goodbye to a lot of great humans, colleagues and students alike. On the plus side, I got to feel like I was in high school again by getting my yearbook signed.

3, 4, & 5 - Before leaving for Canada we did a little traveling around China to squeeze in some pretty major sites that we hadn't yet had a chance to see in our travels. Beijing was the first stop and had some pretty cute street art with a message, and sitting serenely on the Great Wall was one of those moments that feels more surreal than anything else. Finally, I found some flowers in the mass of concrete that is Beijing, they were hidden in Jingshan Park behind the forbidden city.

6 & 7 - Our next stop was the Guangxi Province to see the karst formations around Yangshuo, and the Longji rice terraces. Totally worth it.

8 - This is what two years of life for two people looks like in suitcases … not that bad.

9 - Getting welcomed home with some Canadian themed flowers was pretty great!

10 - Those pool days I mentioned up above are usually spent with these people. These are the best people.

11 & 12 - Canada is beautiful and has a lot of nature to offer. Both Other Half and I have marvelled at the clouds since returning and the quality of sunsets has been unreal. The garden this flower comes from is one of my favourites, and this bloom is particularly charming.

13 - When it rains, we play Settlers of Catan (get into it) and eat ice cream sandwiches. It's the best.

14 - This is my city. And I love it.

What's been going on behind the scenes with you?

1 comment:

  1. Jenny D.! It's Pat! I am officially a blogtician. I've been reading your posts...taking notes... Sounds like life in Canada is a slight bump up from China livin'. Looking forward to seeing you and Mr. M in August!
