
Sunday 18 May 2014

Wide Angle: Vol. 12

Sometimes I talk like someone with a lot more street cred than I myself possess, so you'll forgive me when I say … it has been hella busy up in here.

There's only 12 teaching days left before exams start, and then only about 5 days after that to get it all marked. Then another week to pack up our life here, 1 week to do some last minute travelling (I cannot leave this country without visiting the Great Wall) and then go HOME! It's so close I can taste the daily salads and free flowing drinkable tap water as I type this, and oh it tastes good!

There's been a lot going on behind the scenes lately too, so let's take a look.

1 and 2: I did one of those things that makes my life sound like a movie. I had a bachelorette party in Singapore. I dressed my nails up like tuxedos for the occasion, I got dressed up and ate fancy food on top of fancy buildings, and (not pictured) I danced my tukus off with 5 great friends until the very, very wee hours of the morning.

3 and 4: I've already written about it here, but I discovered a great fondness for Nepal. Here are two shots from the guesthouse in Kathmandu - one from the street just outside and the other from my room.

5: I made mug cakes for days after this.

6: Sometimes people surprise you with really nice things - like Starbucks and homemade muffins in the shape of Mickey Mouse.

7: Because I just can't seem to sit still, Other Half and I hiked around Tiger Leaping Gorge for a couple of days on a recent long weekend. This was basically the view the entire time. There were many moments of awe.

8: More surprises, this time my favourite colours in my favourite pattern. Love.

9: Wedding planning is fun. Pretty notebooks and lavender coffee make it even better.

10: I've owned many pairs of Converse shoes in my life time (often many at one time), but these new leather ones with fluorescent trim might just be my favourite. I called them my grown up sneakers because they're made of leather - Other Half promptly reminded me that grown ups don't wear fluorescent pink. Hah! I'll show him!

11: This little fella was hanging out at school the other day, his wings are magical.

12: Don't mind me… just going to go on a little over night trip to the beach and call it work. This will be a tough job to leave.

Well, that's me! What's new with you?


  1. Your photographs are gorgeous! I hope you made it back to Canada safely!

    1. Thank you Tricia! Home safe and sound and so glad to be here!
