
Monday 7 April 2014

Blog Appreciaiton: Lark&Linen

And we're back with another Blog Appreciation! This is the time in which I share with you the blogs I read on a regular basis, in order to pass on inspiration and procrastination alike.

Lark & Linen is actually the newest blog to my regular round of reading, but is one I have been going back to again and again as of late. Written by Jacquelyn Clark, this blog is filled with design inspiration, mouthwatering recipes, and a solid dose of life-envy. Not only is Jacquelyn the writer and photographer behind Lark&Linen, but she's also a Toronto based interior designer, editor for Style Me Pretty Living, and has been featured on countless other sources, the latest being a new column for HGTV's blog. Jealous yet? I know I am!

I've been reading Lark & Linen solidly for a few months now, and it has easily slipped it's way into my reading routine thanks to the fact that the whole blog is just plain pretty - from the photos, to the design, to the writing.

I can't remember exactly how I found Lark & Linen (I'm going to guess Pinterest had something to do with it!), but here are a few of my favourite posts to date:

As someone who writes and reads mostly about food, I love the variety that Lark & Linen provides to my reading list, and it's this variety that keeps me coming back - there's always something beautiful to read about!

What are some of your favourites?

NOTE: All photos are credited to

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