
Monday 22 July 2013

Sweet Potato Coconut Soup

Let's talk about soup.  I'm a big fan. Like, a BIG fan.  It's one of the most versatile foods you can make. It can be as simple or complicated as you want. It can be guilt free or calorie packed. Chunky or smooth. Creamy or broth-y. Simple or exotic. Soup has a lot going for it.

But to me, soup is a winter food. Warm and comforting it always hits the spot when the temperatures dip and old Jack Frost is nipping at my nose. Soup in the summer is generally non-existant in our house hold. I'm not much for gazpacho and generally prefer foods that are cool and crisp. And yet here I am talking about soup, in the height of the summer. Why? Because this soup, while hearty and warm, tastes smooth and light. The balance between the sweet potato and coconut is perfect and exactly what I was hoping for when I served it as a test recipe to Other Half's family at a recent cottage getaway.

Nothing in this soup sat too heavily on the stomach, and served with a crisp salad it made for a great summer meal. I may just have changed my mind on this whole summer/winter soup thing.

The best part about this soup is that it comes together in a snap, I didn't have to turn the oven on once, which means I didn't have to add any extra heat to the already hot cottage - win! With just three base ingredients (plus some spices) this comes together for busy weeknights or, like me, when you'd rather be in the lake than just about anywhere else.

Serve hot and top with avocado and crushed tortilla chips for an extra delicious treat and texture.

Sweet Potato Coconut Soup 
adapted from, Healthy. Happy. Life. 
Serves 4-6

4 sweet potatoes, cooked
2 cups vegetable broth
1 can coconut milk

(spice levels are approximate - adjust to taste)
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp paprika
1/4 tsp chili powder
pinch of cinnamon
salt and pepper to taste


  1. Wash sweet potatoes and poke with a fork all over to allow steam to escape - place in microwave and cook on high for 20 minutes or until it is soft all the way through (feel free to cook this in the oven or on the BBQ - whatever you have access to). Allow the sweet potatoes to cool slightly
  2. Heat vegetable broth until hot and add the coconut milk
  3. Peel the sweet potatoes and add to the broth/coconut mixture
  4. Using an immersion/hand blender mix until you reach a smooth velvety consistency
  5. Stir in spices and serve
  6. Enjoy!

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