
Tuesday 8 January 2013

Reflections on a New Year

New Year's Eve - Hanoi - So'n Tinh (rice wine)

First of all – Happy New Year!

2012 brought me a lot of greatness in the form of family, friends and adventures and I am extremely thankful for every last second of last year.  Plus, there is always that slightly awkward added bonus that the Mayans were totally wrong, and I get to keep on enjoying my days. Sweet!

One thing I love about the New Year is resolutions.  I know they almost never stick, but the thought of taking a minute to reflect on what you want for yourself/family/whatever this year is a really nice one, and perhaps one we laugh off too quickly because we know it wont last.  Well, if that’s you then I dare you to take the minute (even if it is a few days late) and think about one thing you want this year. Then you can either work toward it or completely forget about, but you’ll know you at least took the time chill out for a second (or 60) – win win!

I’m feeling pretty positive about 2013, and while my resolutions may not be as formally composed as many peoples, I do have some goals for myself that I’ll be trying to work on throughout the year which loosely involve blogging, cooking, and running. 2 out of 3 of which I am confident that I will do more than once this year. Still counts.

As far as this blog goes, I’m really counting on being able to keep it updated on a regular basis. As planned it has made communication with the home crowd much easier, and your positive words of encouragement make it ever more worth it. Thanks! Let us all keep our fingers crossed that the Great Firewall of China doesn’t go for another all out crackdown.

What about you, do you like resolutions? Did you make any solid ones? Do share!

These may never see the light of day again... I hope they had fun!

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