Look! A post that isn't about sugar! It's a blogging miracle!
I first learned how to make dumplings last summer, on what can only be described as, The Most Gourmet Camping Trip Ever. I mean, come on, we made dumplings. The fact that I was camping with a group of friends I like to call Dinner Club (more on that in another post!) probably has something to do with the amount of amazing food we had that weekend. As you might guess, we like food. Specifically, good food. And don't worry, for all you camping purists out there - there were also copious amounts of s'mores and hotdogs over the fire!
Half the appeal of this meal is how freaking delicious these are. Seriously, Other Half and I make these at least once a month, often about 2 or 3 times that. The second half of the appeal is how versatile they are. I like to think of these as Kitchen Sink Dumplings, because just about anything can go in them, and they will still be awesome.